Organ and Tissue Donation
25 Haziran 2020

Our hospital supports organ donation since its inception and organ donation can be made in our hospital. Organ donation is received online on TDIs, the information system of the Ministry of Health, and recorded in the system by the organ transplant coordinator (organ donation officer). In addition, the parts filled through this system are printed out as paper and the signature of the organ donor is taken and the organ donation card is filled and given to the person. Processing time is 5-10 minutes.

What is Organ donation?
Organ donation is a person's free will while alive to bequeath some or all of his organs to be used in the treatment of other patients after death. Anyone over the age of 18, mentally ill, can donate an organ.

Can anyone donate organs be used?
Organ transplantation is not possible after every death, even if Organ donation has been made. For example, if a person has died at home, on the street, in an emergency room or in any hospital, his organs cannot be used. Only in intensive care units can organs be transplanted from people who have died due to breathing apparatus, i.e. brain death.

What is brain death, How is it diagnosed?
In brain death, there is no turning back because brain function has been completely lost, complete and precise death has occurred, this condition should not be confused with vegetative life. In order to be diagnosed with brain death, a number of tests are required. After these tests, two doctors who are experts in the field decide whether brain death has occurred or not, then the family is informed of this decision.

Do parents get permission with or without an Organ donation card?
The families of all cases of advanced brain death are necessarily interviewed, regardless of whether they have an Organ donation card. This interview is conducted by the organ transplant coordinator. No one's organs can be taken and used without family consent.

What organs can I donate?
Heart Corneal Tendon
Liver small intestine face and scalp
Kidney Bone Limb(Arm,Leg)
Pancreatic Novartis Upper Respiratory
Upper Digestive Tracts Of Lung Cartilage
Skin Uterus (Uterus))

Can the organs be transplanted to anyone?
The transplant procedures are carried out by the National Coordination system within the Ministry of Health and all the procedures are recorded and documented. Organ distribution is performed according to blood and tissue group compliance, primarily for patients with medical urgency among those registered on national waiting lists. No distinction is made between religion, language, race, sex, rich or poor. The identification of the receiver and transmitter cannot be disclosed without the permission of the families. It's legally essential to keep it secret.

Is there an obstacle to organ donation having advanced age or chronic disease?
Organ donation is not an obstacle to the development of age, the presence of a chronic disease, drinking alcohol or smoking, and similar reasons.

Once Organ donation is done, is it dispensable?
Organ donation is a new decision to be shared with the family through the E-government system and the destruction of the organ donation card is sufficient.

Religion is there a problem?
The Supreme Council of Religious Affairs of the presidency of Religious Affairs described organ donation as the greatest aid that human beings can make to human beings. With the Decree No. 396 dated 06.03.1980, he declared that organ transplantation was permissible. Sura Maide in the Quran 32. In the verse, " whoever gives life to a person wins reward as if he gave life to all people."he is commanded.

Where should I apply for Organ donation?
Provincial and District Health Directorates
Government Hospitals
University Hospitals
Private Hospitals

What is the legal dimension of Organ donation?
By Law No. 2238 dated 29.05.1979, the legal dimension of organ donation is stated. Accordingly:
Article 6: in order to obtain organs and tissues from every person who has reached the age of 18 and who is a mumayyiz, it is obligatory for a physician to approve the record that the donor has declared and signed orally in the presence of at least two witnesses, in written and privileged or in the presence of at least two witnesses.
Article 14: all of the body or tissue of a person's health, treatment, or diagnosis for scientific purposes, whether a formal written will or is disclosed in the presence of two witnesses, if the queue with the spouse, minor children, mother or father or one of your sisters; or any organ and tissue from the dead for the next these can be taken with relative success.

To donate organs in our hospital;
Dr. Çağatay GÜL
And.Flood Hill
Organ Transplant Coordinator

Organ and Tissue Donation unit
1. Floor Outpatient Department
Contact: 0312 356 90 00-2118